VacuFlush Repair on Your Boat

From personal experience, I can tell you that repairing a marine head starts long before you leave the dock. Sure, you can access YouTube videos online if WiFi is available, you can find a schematic online if you have the model number and there are many marinas you can fly parts to or couriers that will deliver to remote locations. However, losing a marine head while on vacation changes everything. I have learned to do the legwork ahead of time and have spare parts on board.

Key things to have:

If you have the original owner’s manual – fantastic. If not, contact the manufacturer and download a copy. You won’t always have access to the internet so a printed copy onboard is a great idea.

  • Make sure the model number matches the Owner’s Manual and download a schematic.
  • A common fail, is a simple o-ring. The system loses pressure and the pump runs every 30 seconds or so. Always have spares, this is the kit that I have onboard,
  • Another common fail is a duck bills so have extras.
  • I have a repair kit and a complete replacement kit onboard. It only has to happen once in a remote location and you will easily justify the cost! I recommend Environmental Marine in Florida or Marine Sanitation & Supply in Seattle They both ship to Canada and they are both a wealth of information.
VacuFlush Repair on Your Boat
VacuFlush Pump Repair Kit
VacuFlush Pump Motor Kit

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