Discount Online Retailers for Boaters
As a boating enthusiast, finding the perfect gear and clothing for your time on the water can be half the fun. I prefer to shop locally and support Canadian companies when I can, but sometimes, it is fun to snag an amazing deal from online discount retailers. In this article, I’ll compare seven popular options: Temu, Light in the Box, Aosom, Rotita, Ador, Shein and (of course) Amazon.
Top Suncare Products for Boaters
I always say that the best sunscreen is the one you wear. If it is goopy or hard to apply, you won’t. I don’t think we are lazy, I believe that we don’t want to waste a bunch of water to get the greasiness off our hands. The other challenge is that you have to re-apply throughout the day, so I am in the habit of applying sunscreen in the morning when I get out of the shower, it’s a good way to start the day and then before bed, I apply a moisturizing aloe.
I also like to keep everything in a washable plastic basket on the back deck. Easy access, and always top of mind. And throw in some bug spray for good measure!

Come On In –
The Water’s Fine!