How Much Battery Power Is Enough?

Pacific Yachting Magazine – June, 2018 by Melissa Gervais

Growing up in my house, it was quite common to hear, “Turn the lights off when you leave the room” or “Who left the lights on? Do you think we are made of money?”  Now that I have my own house, I get it.  But what about on the boat?  Many marinas have replaced the flat cost per day or cost per month with metered power, so it makes sense to know how much your boat draws when you are not there.   Are you using an efficient fan or a heater with a thermostat that turns off when the weather warms up?  These are easy things to do and don’t affect how you use your boat; however, what about when you are at anchor or tied up at an outstation without power?  How much power is enough?

Click here for the full article  PY_JUNE18_68-71_TECH_TALK

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