Deck The Hall Christmas Market

Cowichan Exhibition Grounds Trans-Canada Hwy, Duncan, BC V9L 6B1, Duncan, BC, Canada

Get festive at Deck the Halls holiday shopping, crafts, and seasonal cheer!


Ladysmith Festival of Lights

Ladysmith 1110 1st Ave, Ladysmith, BC V9G 1A1, Ladysmith, BC, Canada

Light up the season at the Ladysmith Festival of Lights with fun, fireworks, and holiday cheer!


Bright Nights Stanley Park

Stanley Park Stanley Park Railway, Vancouver, BC, Canada, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Experience the magic of Bright Nights in Vancouver with lights, trains, and holiday cheer!


Milner Christmas Magic

Milner Gardens & Woodland 2179 West Island Highway, Qualicum Beach, BC, Canada

Celebrate nature and the seasons at Milner Christmas Magic full of beauty and charm!
